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Allergy Analyzer

Allergy Analyzer aims to provide support in the search for relationships between contacts with allergens and allergic symptoms. This app does not provide medical advice nor does it substitute for medical advice. When experiencing allergic symptoms you are advised to contact a doctor.

Allergy Analyzer helps you to:
  • Analyze which combinations of allergens and types of (allergic) complaints occur most often and make an analysis of the correlation between allergens and types of complaints
  • Calculate the correlation coefficient of allergens and complaints that occur together
  • Get a graphic insight into the occurrence over time of complaints and contacts with allergens
  • Review and edit previously entered contacts with allergens and (allergic) complaints
  • Quickly select allergens and types of (allergic) complaints relevant to your situation by offering the possibility of editing the list of pre-set allergens and types of complaints as well as the option to add new allergens or types of (allergic) complaints

Allergy Analyzer can be used in two modes:
  • Quick scan: you enter time of contacts with allergens and time of complaints, and Allergy Analyzer presents for each allergen you entered contacts for, how many complaints occurred after a (user-selected) period of time, giving you precise insight into which combinations of contacts and complaints occur most frequently;
  • In-depth analysis: in addition to time of contacts with allergens and time of complaints, you also enter the amount or intensity of contacts and the intensity or severity of complaints, and Allergy Analyzer shows the correlation between allergens and complaint types (if at least five combinations are found of contacts and complaints), giving you an understanding of how the severity of complaints correlate with the amount or extent of contacts with allergens

Allergy Analyzer is available for iPad and Android tablets. Languages supported are Dutch, English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.
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